Prestfjord Havfiske AS
|Prestfjord Havfiske AS
Address: Havnegata 19, 8400 Sortland, Norway
Phone: +47 76 11 03 30
Prestfjord AS
The company Prestfjord was established in Myre in Øksnes municipality in 1972 and operated under different names and ownerships, until Prestfjord AS was founded by Ola Helge Holmøy in 2001. Prestfjord AS manages the round freezer trawlers F/T Sunderøy (LMJP), which was built in 2004, and F/T Prestfjord (3YHX), which was built in 2012. Factory trawler F/T Prestfjord (JXNA),(built in 1986), was sold to a Russian company in April 2011.
Prestfjord Havfiske AS
The company Prestfjord Havfiske AS was established in 2011. Prestfjord Havfiske AS manages the round freezer trawler F/T Langøy (LILQ), which was built in 1996. The round freezer trawler F/T Andøybuen (LAOW) was purchased by Prestfjord Havfiske AS in April 2011 and was sold to a Russian company in November 2011.
Eidsfjord Sjøfarm AS
Eidsfjord Sjøfarm AS is a wholesale supplier of raw, fresh salmon targeling the fresh fish market in Europe and the fillet industry in Norway. Pure arctic sea water, strong ocean currents and low water temperature provide the ideal conditions for our salmon farms. We produced 13 000 tons of gutted farmed salmon in 2013.
Prestfjord Seafood AS
Prestfjord Seafood AS is the wholesales- and marketing company within the Holmøy Holdning group. We primarily sell our own catches of white fish and fresh salmon from our own salmon farms, but also some saltet fish from costal fleet origins for Sommarøy Produksjonslag AS, another company in the Holmøy Holding group.
Latin: Salmo salar / Tysk: Lachs / Fransk: Saumon / Spansk: Salmón / Portugisisk: Salmão
Main products: Gutted, fresh salmon
Quality: Superior, Ordinary and Production
Size: 1-2 kg, 2-3 kg, 3-4 kg, 4-5 kg, 5-6 kg, 6 kg +
Latin: Reinhardtius hippoglossoides /Engelsk: Greenland halibut / Fransk: Flétan noir / Tysk: Schwartzer Heilbutt / Portugisisk: Alabote da Gronelândia
Main products: H&G Japanese cut, tail off/ bloodline out
Grading: -1 kg / 1-2 kg / 2 kg+
Packing: vertical block 1×22 kg (½ block)
Packing: Verticals blocks
Ungraded or different size gradings agreed with customer prior to production
Latin: Sebastes Marinus / Engelsk: Redfish / Tysk: Rotbarsch / Fransk: Grand Sebaste
Main products: Whole fish
– 700 gram
700 gram +
0-300 gram
300-500 gram
500-700 gram
700 gram +
Packing: 1 x 20 kg ( 1/2 block)
Latin: Pollachius virens /Engelsk: Saithe, Coalfish / Fransk: Lieu noir / Tysk: Köhler, Seelachs / Spansk: Carbonero / Portugisisk: Escamudo
Norway North Sea saithe and Norway North East Arctic saithe
Main products: H & G Norwegian cut
0-1,2 kg
1,2-2,3 kg
2,3 kg +
Packing: 1 x 22 kg (1/2 block), 1 x 40 kg (1/1 block).
– Roe
– Liver
Packing: Vertical H/G block.
Latin:Melanogrammus aeglefinus / Engelsk: Haddock / Spansk: Eglefino / Portugisisk: Haddock / Fransk: Églefin / Tysk: Schellfish
Main products: H/G and J/C
Grading (both H/G and J/C):
– 800 gram
800 gram +
Packing: 1×25 kg (1/2 block).
Latin: Gadus morhua /Engelsk: Cod / Fransk: Cabillaud, Morue / Tysk: Dorsch, Kabeljau / Spansk: Bacalao / Portugisisk: Bacalhau
Main products: H & G Norwegian cutNorway North East Arctic cod
– 1 kg
1-2,5 kg
2,5-5 kg
5 kg+
Packing: 1 x 25 kg (1/2 block) , 1 x 50 kg (1/1 block)
– Roe
– Liver
Packing: Vertical H/G block