Omega Seafoods Ltda.



To contact Pesquera Omega, please complete the form, or use our contact information below

Omega Seafoods Ltda.
Address: Gerónimo Méndez 2089, Barrio Industrial, Coquimbo – CHILE.
Phones: (56+51) 24 23 51  24 67 16

Pesquera Omega
Pesquera Omega began operating in Chile in 1987.  OMEGA, (a subsidiary of MARCO, a North American company with shipyards in Seattle, San Diego and Chile), is the largest producer and exporter of fresh and frozen swordfish.

Pesquera Omega was created with the concept of developing new seafood products such as COD, KING CRAB and SWORDFISH, using the most sophisticated fishing systems and the best fisheries handling methods available. Our Alaska-type MARCO fresh fish ships, use the most sophisticated fishing systems, turning us into a modern and well equipped fleet of fishing boats

Pesquera Omega, owner and operator of its own fleet of ships, together with its modern Processing Plan, Omega Seafoods, is capable of offering permanent supply of the best quality Chilean Swordfish.

Our four fresh-fish fishing boats, the “Christina S.”, “Elena S.”, “Portugal II” and “Vama II”, begin their fishing season in the South Pacific in March of each year and end it in mid December.

The Long-line Fishing Fleet with over 15 years of experience in Swordfish fishing has achieved great efficiency, both in product quality management as well as in the consistency of volumes unloaded annually.

We produce over 600 tons of FRESH SWORDFISH annually, which is mostly exported to the American and European markets. This fish is packed H&G or in Slices by our processing plant, Omega Seafoods Ltda. In addition, we produce and export approximately 20 tons of FRESH YELLOW FIN AND BIG EYE TUNA annually.



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