Espevær Laks AS
|Espevær Laks AS
Address: Espevær Smoking, 5444 Espevær
Phone: 53 42 20:50
Fax: 53 42 20:51
Traditional crafts tailored to your needs!
The gorgeous Espevær salmon is a natural, clean and finforedlet product without artificial additives. Smoked salmon is adapted to customer needs and use, and is available in consumer-friendly packaging.
Our skilled professionals choose ingredients with care, filleting, sugar, salts and marinates for traditional recipes. Smoking, drying and ripening gives our products the wonderful flavor Espevær our customers value so appreciated.
Conscientiously, traditional craftsmanship combined with new trendy applications allows Espevær series stand out from existing products. Use of smoked salmon in exotic dishes such as stir-fry and pasta dishes, healthy and very tasty.
Salmon is a natural and tasty source of OMEGA-3
Espevær Smokehouse is a smokehouse located on Espevær in Bomlo Municipality. The company also has to Espevær series, specializing in products for the gift market and produce “confectionery salmon” under the brand name SOLE.
Espevær is a unique, small island community with 150 inhabitants, the outer edge of Bomlo Municipality. The houses are close together in the strait, sheltered havråk and wind. Espeværingene have been pioneers when it comes to fishing, fish processing and export. One can safely say that Espevær is built by the sea …
The herring fishery:
Espevær is an old fishing village and the islands are full of history, traditions and mysteries. During the herring fishery in the late 1800s, was Espevær with its location near the open sea a natural harbor and up to 25,000 fishermen became Guests.
The lobster fishery has been a small but steady industry since the 1600s. In 1887, it built a lobster park Espevær. The park took courage, stored and resold lobster. Up to 24,000 lobsters could be stored simultaneously. Customers were mainly Hollen You and Englishmen. The park was in operation until 1957 and was restored in 1993.
One October night in 1975, it was observed a luminous object over Espevær. Later it was discovered a large ring-shaped recess in the woods at Åkerve, west of the island. Circumference is 63 meters, and the forest was pushed about 7 cm in a 40 cm wide track. Scientists came from the University of Bergen, but no one could explain how the ring was made. According to UFO-logists this is the biggest UFO footprint in the world.