Cultivos Marinos San Cristobal S.A
|Cultivos Marinos San Cristobal S.A
Head Office:
Address: Exposicion 1657, Estacion Central, Santiago, Chile.
Phone: 56-2-3708177
Farm Facilities:
Address: Ruta 5 norte, Km 895, Punta Fodden, Caldera, Atacama, Chile.
Phone: 56-52-317560 / 56-52-317561
Cultivos Marinos San Cristobal was founded in 1996 as a subsidiary of Compania Molinera San Cristobal S.A., a senior stakeholder in the food business since 1916 and focusing in miling wheat production.
In April 1997 our farming center was completed north of the city of Caldera, in the Chilean northern desert region of Atacama. This place was specially chosen because there are not rivers flow into the sea and because lack of major urban centers do not generate any pollution to the sea. These unpolluted waters feature exceptional purity and the presence of wide brown seaweed banks, the main food supply for the abalone.
Our company was the first in Chile to farm the green abalone (haliotis discus hannai) and later the red abalone (haliotis rufescens); now we have become one of the leading producers and exporters of this Chilean delicacy.
Eleven years business experience mad us become the main producer and marketer of abalone seeds in the country.
In 2003, concerned about food supply sustainability, we invested in a seaweed (macrosystis) farm production, in order to feed our abalone. This system star in lab production of thousands of seedings, which are the cultured offshore, a procedure that results in lower dependency on natural seaweed banks as feed supply.
Frozen in Shell
Frozen Shell off
Estimados Señores: Reciban un cordial saludo, ATLANTICA SRL es una Empresa Peruana dedicada a la fabricación de envases flexibles de polipropileno, como sacos tejidos, laminados, con y sin impresión, telas arpilleras, debidamente certificada con ISO 2015. Visite nuestra página web
Quisiéramos establecer contacto con Ustedes a fin de poder exportarles nuestros productos a precios realmente interesantes, nuestro interés por lo pronto es iniciar actividades de exportación. Ojala podamos despertar el interés en Ustedes, de realizar operaciones de comercio exterior.
Gracias anticipadas por permitirnos escribirles.
CPCC Carlos Barba Ch.