Hubei Shenlu Aquatic Product and Foodstuff Co.,Ltd
|Hubei Shenlu Aquatic Product and Foodstuff Co.,Ltd
Street Address: 13 Yanjiang road ,Sanhua town,Xishui county,Hubei province,China.
Telephone: 86-0713-4644166
汪经理 18674018166
唐经理 13339954390
谈部长 18995730195
陈部长 18907252015
郝部长 18671375596
高小姐 15072731030
About Us
Hubei Shenlu Aquatic Products Co., ltd , the company is specialized in export and processing of shrimp, fish, shellfish, waterchestnut and other fresh water aquatic products.
All the products are processed and produced in strict accordance with the HACCP Quality Control system , exporting to American, Japan, South Korea and EU.
Hubei Shenlu Aquatic Products Co., ltd started the first period project to construct in October 2006, On May 1, 2007 completed and put into operation. a workshop of production and processing with 3, 000 square meters; two cold stores with 500 tons capacity; two deepfreezed stores with ten tons capacity; a deepfreezed machine sets which can deepfreeze one ton foods per hour; two automatic processing lines of lobsters; four processing lines of Longsnout Catfish; power capacity is 515kw.
And owns a set of 400kw generator and a set of water purification facilities, at the same time, the company is puttting into practice that company+ base+ farmer mode according to leading enterprises of industrial management of agriculture in order to bring along 12, 000 farmers to breed lobsters with 27, 000 acres, Longsnout Catfish with 3000 acres, and the same year they can supply lobsters with 5, 400 tons and Longsnout Catfish with 1500 tons and also breed aquatic products of shellfish and waterchestnuts and so on.
At the same year the income of farmers is 70 million yuan, an average income of farmers is 5, 800 xxxxx same year when the first period project put into production they can produce crayfish with 1, 000 tons, of which the United States peppery whole limb shrimp with 600 tons and the Europe Soup entire limb shrimp with 400 tons; the Longsnout Catfish of finish machining is 500 tons.
Work force of 1000 people in farm to be resettled .At the same year sales revenue is 80 million yuan, setting up collection with 10 million US dollars. The second perion project of Hubei Shenlu Aquatic Products Co., ltd is planned to be constructed in the second half year in 2007, invest capital asserts of 50 million yuan and current asserts of 30 million yuan, which is planning to construct processing workshop with 10, 000 square meters; two deepfreezed cold stores with 500 tons and set up the specialized research centers, training centers and inspection and quarantine centers. Per year the processing of aquatic products with 20, 000 tons, of which the lobster is 10, 000 tons, fish is 3, 000 tons, shellfish is 3, 000 tons and waterchestnut is 4, 000 tons, The work force of 2000 people in country is to be resettled , implement 150 million of sales income and set up collection with 20 million dollars, with 5 million xxxxx company would accord with the principle of company+base+farmers to make every efforts to implement the increase taxes, the enterprises increase income, farmers increase income in order to make some contributions to Xishui’s economic construction
湖北神鹭水产品有限公司,位于黄石长江大桥与鄂东长江大桥交汇处,散花工业园区中心地带,是浠水县委、县政府招商引资的重点项目,是湖北省省级农业产业化龙头企业。 公司一期工程建设投资3000万元,07年5月份建成投产。公司二期工程新征土地80亩,投资8000万元,建有恒温无菌加工车间6000平方米,加工流水线26条套,年加工能力20000余吨,冷藏冷冻库容量10000余吨。从业人员2000余人,注册资本5000万元,总投资1.3亿元。虾类、鱼类、贝类、菱角等淡水水产品经营体系已颇具规模,全面推行“公司+基地+农户”的生产、养殖、供应的健康发展模式,带动12000多农户,年养殖菱角2000余亩、鮰鱼3000余亩、罗非鱼5000余亩、小龙虾50000余亩,每年为农民增收8000多万元。年销售收入突破2.5亿元,年创汇2500万美元。 公司3-5年内将抢抓《湖北省小龙虾产业发展规划》政策机遇,从产业源头的苗种培育、养殖抓起,到产品加工出口、冷链物流、虾壳素深加工、鱼粉加工等产业链的延伸发展,致力打造产值过50亿元的现代农业产业集团。 以杨光先生为核心的管理层是一个“团结务实,开拓创新”的战斗集体,始终坚持“生产规范化、经营市场化、管理专业化、决策科学化”的发展理念,严格执行国际HACCP质量监控体系,竭力打造环保节能创新型现代企业。公司水产品远销美国、欧盟、中东、日本、韩国、香港、台湾等10多个国家和地区。
ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011, HACCP, QS 9000, BRC FDA