Conservas Ortiz S.A.
|Conservas Ortiz S.A.
Address: C/ Iñaki Deuna, 15 48700 Ondarroa Vizcaya
Tel: +34 94 386 26 00
Fax: +34 94 386 26 26
Tfno: +34 94 386 26 00
Fax: +34 94 389 98 40
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Sustainable Fishing
Preserving our fisheries is one of today’s major environmental problems. We at Conservas Ortiz are concerned about the future of our fish stocks, as well as how to regenerate the species we catch. That’s why we use the “live bait” and “trolling” techniques to catch White Tuna and “purse seine nets” for Anchovy.
The first basically consists of using fresh live bait to attract the fish better. This bait usually consists of small fish. The first step is to get the bait out of the sea, very carefully. For this we use dip nets and it is then be kept in our nurseries for several days. The fishermen use hoses to imitate the movement of the shoals of fish.
When fishing starts, the fishermen line up along one flank of the boat. The rods have a short line with the live bait on the hooks. If the shoal is made up of very large fish then the men work in pairs. Live bait is a traditional fishing technique that has been widely used throughout history by Cantabrian fishermen. Purse seine nets, however, are large rectangular nets that completely surround the shoals of fish.
Quality Control
Conservas Ortiz guarantees that the products reach the consumer in perfect condition. However, certain factors, such as the environment, can occasionally alter their characteristics.
With the jars, we use the “safety button” system. You can see this with the two circles in the centre of the lid. If they are slightly convex, then the product might not be in good condition. The fact that it is inflated means that air may have entered the jar and deteriorated the product.
You can detect this if, when you press the safety button gently, you hear a loud click-clack.
The best quality thanks to our respect for tradition
At Conservas Ortiz we preserve our products in the craft way, respecting traditional fishing methods. The result can be seen in the unmistakable texture of our products and their natural flavour which set them apart from the rest.
– “Old style”
– Great Anchovies
– Salted
– With capers
– In olive oil
– In organic olive oil
– Reserva de Familia
Ortiz White tuna individually line caught
– In Escabeche
– Low Salt
– White Tuna Fillets
– White Tuna in Salsa Catalana
– In organic olive oil
– In Olive Oil
– Reserva de Familia
– Fried in escabeche sauce
Organic range
– White tuna in organic olive oil
– Anchovies in organic olive oil
– Yellowfin tuna in organic olive oil
– Fried Mackerel in escabeche sauce
– Fried horse mackerel in escabeche sauce
Tuna fillets
– White tuna fillets in olive oil
– Yellowfin tuna fillets in olive oil
Fresh anchovies
– Fresh anchovies
Traditional pilchards
– Traditional pilchards
Fish Roes
– Mackerel Roe
– Hake roe
Ortiz Yellowfin Tuna
– In olive oil
– Fried in escabeche sauce
– In organic olive oil
– Yellowfin tuna fillets
– Yellowfin tuna in escabeche
Conservas Ortiz’s “Gama Roja” the gourmet’s choice
– Anchovies
– White tuna
– Yellowfin tuna
– Reserva de Familia
White tuna low in salt
– In olive oil
– In escabeche sauce
– Natural
Stuffed Piquillo Peppers
– Stuffed with White tuna
– Stuffed with hake and prawns
– Stuffed with baby squid in their ink
– Stuffed with salmon
– Stuffed with cod