Camanchaca Pesca Sur S.A.
|Camanchaca Pesca Sur S.A.
Chile (Cia. Pesquera Camanchaca, S.A.)
Address: El Golf 99. Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Telephone: 56.2.363.5700
Fax: 56.2.426.0440
Europe (CamSac A/S)
Address: Jernbanegade 29, 5500 Middelfart, Denmark
Telephone: +
Fax: +
United States (Camanchaca, Inc.)
Address: 7200 NW 19 Street. Suite 410, Miami, FL 33126
Telephone: 305.406.9560
Fax: 305.406.2285
Asia (Camanchaca, Ltd.)
Address: Tsukiji Bldg. 3-9-10, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone: 81.3.5550.8638
Fax: 81.3.5550.8629
U.S.A. 00-1-305-4069560
Japón 00-813-55508638
Europa 45-64417014
México 52-55-33005963
China 9-00-8618802676036
About Us
Camanchaca was created in Chile in 1965 with a focus on fishing and processing of wild shrimp and Langostino Lobster. In 1980 a change in management brought about a diversification strategy that has resulted in steady and consistent growth. Growth that has brought the company to the privileged position it holds today in international markets.
From being a leader in the Chilean wild fishery, Camanchaca has over the last twenty years, embraced the future needs of the global market, by expanding into aquaculture. The company’s operations reach from the north of Chile in Iquique to the very south -a range of 6,640 km. Camanchaca takes great pride in a total involvement from the beginning of each process through to the final products, concluding with the sales and marketing of its products.
To be close to the key markets it serves, the company has sales offices in the USA (Miami), Japan (Tokyo) and Europe (Denmark) in addition to its corporate office in Santiago Chile. Camanchaca, its management and dedicated employees, is focused on providing you with superior seafood products and services to serve your business needs now and into the future.
With a fully vertically integrated operation in each of its Aquaculture Divisions Camanchaca has full control of all aspects of the process. A process that starts with seedlings (hatcheries) to the final gourmet seafood products meeting international market needs.
Each division’s management team is specifically focused to operate environmentally sustainable aquaculture operations and processing plants that are second to none, meeting all international quality control standards.
Salmon and Steelhead Trout:
The “Ocean Raised” Atlantic Salmon and Steelhead Trout operations are based in and around the southern coastal city of Puerto Montt.
The mussel operation is based on the island of Chiloe (Rauco).
The Abalone operation is based near the northern coastal city of Caldera.
The Scallop operation is also based near Caldera.
With a fully vertically integrated Wild Fishing operation, Camanchaca has full control on all aspects of the process. A process that starts with a modern fleet of Ocean Fishing vessels, state of the art processing plants, and is completed with Camanchaca’s gourmet quality seafood and superior quality industrial products (Fish Meal and Fish Oil) that have leadership positions in international markets.
Each division’s management team is specifically focused to operate environmentally sustainable fishing operations and processing plants that are second to none, meeting all national and international standards.
Langostino Lobster Tails:
After Camanchaca’s fleet of fishing vessels returns from sea the langostino are cooked peeled and packed at its specialized plant in the sea port town of Tome right near the city of Concepcion.
Fish Meal:
Used as a key ingredient in all animal feed internationally. Camanchaca has two large fish meal processing plants, one in the city of Coronel in the central part of Chile and one in the Northern Port city of Iquique.
Fish Oil:
Is used as a key ingredient in the composition of many animal feeds, as well as an additive for many direct human consumption products related to enhancement of Omega 3. Camanchaca’s Fish oil is produced in the same plants as the Fish Meal.
Canned Jack Mackerel:
Upon landing in the port city of Coronel in the mid part of Chile, the fish are canned at Camanchaca’s modern large scale canning plant. A good source of Omega 3 and a value priced protein, canned Jack Mackerel is consumed around the world.
– Pier 33 Gourmet
– Camanchaca