Atlantic Dawn Seafoods AS
|Atlantic Dawn Seafoods AS
Address: Gnr 5 Bnr 26, 6570 Smøla, Norway
Phone: +47 71 54 42 20
General Manager: Jan Tuven + 47 71 54 42 22 / + 47 71 54 42 27
Mobile: + 47 91 66 92 91
Sales executive: Sissel Berget + 47 71 54 42 37
Mobile: + 47 91 66 92 96
Production leader: Oddrun Oldenborg
Technical leader: Arnfinn Strand
Office Manager: Anette Hakkebo + 47 71 54 42 20 / + 47 71 54 42 28 /
A modern pelagic fish factory
Atlantic Dawn Seafoods AS is centrally located in relation to the fishing grounds along Norway’s west coast and is known for producing high quality fish.
The factory is one of the most modern facilities in Norway, with a capacity of about 250 tonnes a day and a cold storage plant for around 3000 tonnes of fish.
With our efficient distribution facilities, we ship fish products to all parts of the world.
• 5 production lines
• 4 filleting machines
• Capacity: 25–35 tonnes per hour
• Cold storage plant: 3000 tonnes
• 2 deep-water quays: 60 and 50 metres
Centrally situated with easy approach and good harbour facilities
Atlantic Dawn Seafoods AS is centrally located in relation to the fishing grounds along Norway’s west coast.
The factory lies in the fishing community of Smøla with an easy approach just off the sheltered shipping lane to Trondheim. Our contacts on Smøla offer most services within the fields of provisioning, mechanical services, ship’s electronics, gear and equipment and transport.
The community centre of Hopen is close by, with a shopping centre, bank, post office, dentist and medical centre. A 30-minute express boat journey takes you to the regional centre of Kristiansund, with shipyards and a regional airport.
Herring (Clupea Harengus)
– Whole Round Frozen
– Flaps Frozen
Season: September – March
Saithe (Pollachius Virens)
– Gutted Head On Frozen
– Headed and Gutted Frozen
Season: April – July
Silver Smelt (Argentina Silus)
– Whole Round Frozen
Season: March – October
Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus)
– Whole Round Frozen
– Flaps Frozen
– Fillets Frozen
Season: August – October