Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd
|Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd
Tel: 1 300 366 742
ABN: 82 114 161 938
Head Office
Address: 48 Formby Road, Devonport, PO Box 478, Devonport, Tasmania 7310
Tel: 1 300 366 742
Fax: 03 6421 4988
Email: secretary@tasports.com.au
Port Offices
Bell Bay
Address: Mobil Road, Bell Bay, Locked Bag 4, George Town Tasmania 7253
Tel: 1 300 366 742
Fax: 03 6382 1695
Email: bellbay@tasports.com.au
Address: Port Road, Burnie, PO Box 216, Burnie Tasmania 7320
Tel: 1 300 366 742
Fax: 03 6434 7373
Email: burnie@tasports.com.au
Address: Level 13, Trafalgar Building, 110 Collins Street, Hobart, GPO Box 202, Hobart Tasmania 7001
Tel: 1 300 366 742
Fax: 03 6222 6122
Email: hobart@tasports.com.au
About Tasports
The Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd (Tasports) is a registered, private company fully owned by the Tasmanian Government. ABN: 82114161938.
Tasports is responsible for the operations and management of all ports in Tasmania.
The company was created following the amalgamation of the state’s four port companies – Hobart Ports Corporation Pty Ltd, Port of Launceston Pty Ltd, Port of Devonport Corporation Pty Ltd and Burnie Port Corporation Pty Ltd – on 1 January 2006.
Tasmanian Ports Corporation Act 2005 (external link)
Tasports’ purpose is to facilitate trade for the benefit of Tasmania, through the commercial provision of infrastructure and services.
We are committed to the following values:
– Protect the health and safety of our staff and others affected by our operations.
– Provide our customers with a responsive and quality service.
– Respect for individuals.
– To be trustworthy and honest.
– To act fairly with each other in all dealings.
– To have courage to do the right thing.
Infrastructure and Property Services
The Infrastructure and Property Services Business Unit’s primary functions are:
– Provision and maintenance of the infrastructure required for the efficient and effective operation of Tasports’ statewide operations.
– Property management, acquisition and disposal across Tasports’ statewide operations.
– Provision of facilities at the Devonport Airport for RPT intra and interstate services and general aviation activities.
Current Locations
Properties are managed in:
– Bell Bay
– Inspection Head
– Devonport
– Devonport Airport
– Burnie
– Stanley
– Smithton
– Strahan and Macquarie Harbour
– Hobart including Derwent River and D’Entrecasteaux Channel
– Howden
– Port Huon
– Triabunna