Mures Tasmania
Upper Deck
Adress: Victoria Dock, Hobart TAS, Australia
Tel: +61 03 6231 1999
Lower Deck
Address: Victoria Dock, Hobart TAS, Australia
Tel: +61 03 6231 2121
Wholesale Enquiries
Address: 77 Chapel St, Glenorchy TAS, Australia
Tel: +61 03 6273 4477
About Us
Jill & George Mure established Mures Fish House in 1973 in Battery Point, Hobart. When they struggled to source quality, fresh, local seafood, George went fishing.
More than 40 years on, now owned by Will & Judy Mure, Mures Tasmania remains a vertically integrated Tasmanian business from hook to plate that still loves quality, fresh, local seafood.
Mures Tasmania incorporates a 76 foot long lining vessel, Diana (named after Will’s Grandmother), a processing factory, a range of gourmet seafood products distributed nationally and internationally and two seafood restaurants on Hobart’s waterfront, Victoria Dock.
We’ve been fishing for a couple of generations now, so we know the importance of looking after fish. Starting at sea, we look after our fish from the moment we catch them on the line, right through to our customer.
Retail Fishmongers
Come and visit our friendly fishmongers at Lower Deck, Victoria Dock, Hobart for information on our fishing methods, Fish Species and of course cooking tips. Or visit our factory outlet at Glenorchy.
Lower Deck Fishmongers, Victoria Dock, Hobart
Sunday – Thursday 7am – 9pm
Friday & Saturday 7am – 930pm
Factory Outlet, 77 Chapel St, Glenorchy
Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday: 10am – 2pm
Wholesale Fresh Fish
Mures Fishing are Tasmania’s largest fresh fish wholesaler, specialising in Blue Eye Trevalla, Pink Ling and other species that are line-caught on our boat as well as other locally caught Tasmanian species and responsibly sourced farmed and wild-caught Australian managed fisheries. Don’t forget to ask about our range of Gourmet Products as well.
Wholesale Opening Hours
Wholesale inquiries Monday – Friday, 6am – 3pm, Saturday, 6am – 10am
Wholesale Contact: (03) 6273 44 77