Correia Fishing Co (WA) Pty Ltd



Address: 2 Mews Road, Fremantle Western Australia 6160
Postal Address: PO Box 1101, Fremantle WA 6160
Phone: (61) 8 9335 6674
Fax: (61) 8 9335 2424

About Us
The CCI Group is a family owned diversified investment group.

CCI’s interests can be categorized into three sectors
1. Seafood Industry
2. Property
3. Corporate

Seafood Industry
CCI through its wholly owned entity Correia Fishing Co. has been operating in the seafood industry since the 1950’s as a catcher, processor and exporter of the world finest seafood products caught off the West Australian coastline. Correia Fishing Co currently operates a fleet of trawlers in the Shark Bay region of Western Australia.

Through its various entities CCI has been a purchaser, developer and banker of real estate throughout Western Australia since the 1960’s and today has a portfolio of property ranging from metropolitan and regional shopping centres to various office and residential complexes.

CCI provides venture capital and various financial assistance to businesses throughout Australia. CCI continues to seek new and innovative businesses requiring equity and financial assistance.

Established in 1952 Correia Fishing Co. currently operates a fleet of 23 meter trawlers in the Shark Bay prawn fishery, located approximately 800 kms north of Perth Western Australia.

Shark Bay
The Shark Bay Prawn Trawl Fishery is bound by the Ningaloo Marine Park in the North and a point just below Zuytdorp Point in the south. The fishery is located within the Shark Bay World Heritage Area. The waters of the Shark Bay Prawn Fishery are amongst the purest in the world producing the finest seafood product available on the global market today.

Primarily concentrating on the processing of Western King and Brown Tiger prawns, Correia Fishing Co. also catches and processes scallops, squid, blue swimmer crabs and various other species such as king fish and cuttle fish.

Correia Fishing Co. products are world renowned for their freshness, quality, consistency & flavour. Correia Fishing Co. has been supplying leading seafood users in Australia, Europe, Japan & the USA for over 40 years.

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS)
To ensure that all produce is caught and processed to the worlds best practice all vessels in the fleet are pFood Accredited with AQIS enabling all processing to be performed at sea, ensuring that the freshness of the produce is maintained.

To ensure the long term sustainability of fish stocks Correia Fishing Co is continually working with the Department of Fisheries in enhancing fishing practices.

All vessels operated by Correia Fishing are fitted with unique by catch reduction devices such as turtle exclusion devices, ensuring minimal disruption to the natural environment and protecting the natural fauna of the area such as the loggerhead turtle and dugong.



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