Cape Seafoods Inc



Cape Seafoods Inc
Address: 3 State Fish Pier, Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930, United States
Phone: +1 978-283-8522
Fax: +1 978-283-3133

About Us
Quality second to none starts with our employees.  The superior staff and mangers at Cape Seafoods are dedicated to providing the customer with the best product and service at a competitive price.   Quality starts from the time the fish are caught  and is monitored thru the production process.  Accurate quality control ensures your expectations are consistently meet.

Cape Seafoods  offers frozen food grade Herring and Mackerel as well as fresh fish to the bait market.  Our wholesale  bait shop offers fresh, salted, and frozen bait  to our New England customers.

We  are just 45 minutes north of Boston. This allows us easy  access to international markets through MassPorts Connelly container terminal.

Today the State Fish Pier is the home of Cape Seafoods, our three vessels, our blast tunnels and cold store facility.

Our ice plant can produce and store up to 40,000 lbs. of ice.  This ice is mixed with saltwater to keep our fish at the perfect temperature just prior to packing.

Our cold Store facility blast freeze our product to –20 Celsius,

Then we palletize our product  with State of the art machinery.  Prior to shipment we store our products in our facility with a capacity of over 8 million pounds.  We label the product prior to shipping, then the fish is on its way to the customer.

Product List
Blast Frozen Herring and Mackerel  – Whole Round
Food Grade — USDC inspected

Atlantic Mackerel (Scromber Scrombus)
00-200 grams per fish                                          20 Kilo, poly liner, 2 straps
100-300 grams per fish                                                           “
150-300 grams per fish                                                           “
200-400 grams per fish                                                           “
300-500 grams per fish                                                           “
400-600 grams per fish                                                           “

Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus)
Ocean Run              -200 grams per fish         20 Kilo, poly liner, 2 straps
8/12                           85-125 grams per fish                                           “
5/8                             125-200 grams per fish                                          “
4/6                             166-250 grams per fish                                          “
5”-8”                          85 -100 grams per fish         10 Kilo, poly liner, 2 straps
8”-11”                        125-250 grams per fish

Atlantic Herring and Mackerel Bait Market. We offer frozen product for the domestic and international bait markets. In addition we offer fresh and salted product to the New England bait market.



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