Ekkofisk AS
|Ekko Fisk A/S
Address: Vagervej 9-13, Esbjerg – DK-6700
Tlf: +45 75134211
Fax: +45 75452311
E-mail: info@ekkofisk.com
Website: http://www.ekkofisk.com
Kontakt os
Salg Saltfisk – Jørgen Lutken mail jl@ekkofisk.com tlf direkte 76104335 mobil 41229385
Salg Frossen fisk – Holger wulff mail hw@ekkofisk.com tlf direkte 76104334 mobil 20135911
Salg Fisk / Petfood – Jesper lund mail lfj@ekkofisk.com tlf direkte 76104333 mobil 41334058
Produktion chef – Erland Nielsen mail en@ekkofisk.com tlf direkte 76104333 mobil 40828316
Bogholder – Pia Nielsen mail pn@ekkofisk.com tlf direkte 76104332
Kvalitetschef – Birgit Andersen mail ba@ekkofisk.com tlf direkte 76104331
Varemodtagelse/udlevering – Kent Christiansen tlf direkte 24407485
Ekko Fisk A/S
Ekko Fisk was establish in 1978. In January 2000, at start of the new Millinium, the firm moved to a new factory- and administration building and has now a 6000 square metres large building at our disposal.
Ekko-Fisk is the producer of frozen and salted Fishproducts. The materials are bought at fishauctions all over Denmark and also imported from the colder North. The finished goods are exported to most of the world. Ekko-Fisk is a well-established firm, with a large experience after many years in the fishing-industry. The customers are giving the correct service and guidance concerning the most products.
The firm tries in the best way to fulfill the customers demand about price and quality. Ekko-Fisk has an approved HACCP system, this implies for example: All Fisharticles,arrived at and delivered from the factory,are controlled for quality including right temperatur check. The cleaning at the factory hall is continuously checked both visually and microbiologically.
Frozen Fish
The frozen fish in the company of Ekko Fisk A/S is salmon, halibut, redfish, cod and much more. These are really delicious dining and can be used in a variety of everyday dinner dishes. The fish are caught among Greenland and the Faroe Islands, but more and more alternative and potential fishing areas will be future opportunities
The frozen fish is delivered to Ekko Fisk of different suppliers and will be sold to customers in Denmark, Europe and overseas markets.
From different salt-water fish
From different salt-water fish
Head-off Fish:
Redfish – Cod – Greenland Halibut – etc.
Panready Fish:
Plaice – Catfish – Grenadier
Whole Fish:
Trout – Different Salmon – Redfish – Catfish
Holger Wulff
Email: hw@ekkofisk.com
Salt Fish
The trade in salt fish are getting smaller and smaller. They are made from the best ingredients from Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The salt fish at Ekko Fisk is salted in the traditional way without style salting and additives. The salted fish is flaked cod, ling and saithe and migas of cod and salt fish fillet of cod.
Salted Fish:
Saithe – Ling – Brosme – Alaska Pollock – Cod (Danish/Icelandic Origin)
Salted Fillets:
Cod – Alaska Pollock
Different Cod:
Codmeat – Codtongues – Codcheeks
Split + dried:
Cod – Saithe
Jørgen Lütken
Email: jl@ekkofisk.com
Erland Nielsen
Email: en@ekkofisk.com