Casey Fisheries Ltd
|Casey Fisheries Ltd
Address: 146 Water, Digby, NS B0S 1K0, Canada
Postal Address: P.O.Box 86 Digby, Nova Scotia, B0V 1AO
Phone: +1 902-245-5801
Fax: +1 902-245-5552
CASEY FISHERIES LTD. is a century old family-owned seafood processing company strategically located at the head of the wharf in Digby, Nova Scotia. Key Casey employees have many years experience in all aspects of seafood processing and have enabled Caseys to evolve to meet customer demand.
Caseys currently specializes in top quality fresh seafood including:
– world famous Digby scallops
– clams – shellstock & meats
– cod
– haddock
– pollock
– flounder
– live lobster & rock crab in season
In addition to these traditional species, the product list is being expanded to include:
– sea urchin roe
– periwinkles
– dulse
Casey Fisheries Ltd. also provides a full range of fresh fish processing services to customer specifications.