Skagerak Pelagic AS



Skagerak Pelagic A/S
Address: Coasterkaj 1 · DK-9990 Skagen
Telephone: +45 9845 4000
Fax: +45 9845 4045

Management Board:

Peter Kongerslev – Managing Director
Mobile: +45 5131 5932

Kim Bennedsen – Finance Director
Mobile: +45 2338 1101

Christian Espersen – Export and Marketing Director
Mobile: +45 2338 1200

Sales Department:

Henrik Sørensen – Export Manager
Mobile: +45 5131 5931

Betina Larsen – Assistant Manager
Mobile: +45 5131 5938

Nina Back Christensen – Assistant Manager
Mobile: +45 2338 1104

Purchasing Department:

Henrik Sørensen
Mobile: +45 5131 5931

Henning Jensen
Mobile: +45 2338 1202

Skagerak Pelagic A/S
Our factory is among the most efficient pelagic processing factories in the world and meets all food safety and environmental requirements.

The Company
Skagerak Pelagic A/S is one of the leading pelagic seafood production companies in Europe, specialising in herring and mackerel products customised according to customers’ requests. Our factory is among the most efficient pelagic processing factories in the world and meets all food safety and environmental requirements. In order to secure supplies of raw material and to be sure of getting the best possible quality for further processing, we have entered into agreements with a number of fishing vessels. Our organisation is built on a group of loyal customers, and according to a recently adopted strategy our key success factors are: quality, flexibility and speed – both internally in the organisation and in relation to the surrounding world. Skagerak Pelagic A/S is constantly striving to adapt to the external environment and the competitive situation in our business system, which has changed considerably in recent years due to globalisation.

Skagerak Pelagic A/S is a consumer-oriented production company with an acute awareness of consumers’ increasing demands for healthy, nutritional and sustainable food products. We only use raw materials from sustainable fisheries and offer full traceability from catch to end product.

All information concerning the raw material used in our production – that is ICES fishing area, square and fishing position – is reported to the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Danish Fishing Directorate, in accordance with Danish and EU legislation. Here the information is controlled and passed on to ICES and the EU for the preparation of future quotas and regulation of fisheries.

With the aid of satellites, the EU fishery inspection monitors and controls all vessels delivering to Skagerak Pelagic A/S to ensure that they comply with EU legislation and regulations concerning fishing, fishing area and quotas.

Sustainable catch levels
In order to ensure sustainability, Skagerak Pelagic A/S only uses fish caught with purse seine or pelagic trawl. These types of fishing gear are not in contact with and, therefore, do not affect the seabed.

Skagerak Pelagic A/S supported the preparation of the Danish Pelagic White Paper, the code of conduct in the Danish pelagic sector. This paper was used as the basic documentation in the MSC certification process for the Danish pelagic fishery.

Skagerak Pelagic A/S is certified according to the MSC Chain of Custody standards. The MSC fishery certification and seafood ecolabelling programme recognises sustainability in connection with fisheries and seafood production in order to encourage people to make the best choices for the environment.

Skagerak Pelagic A/S is located in 3 different locations in Skagen harbour, and we have a total floor area of about 25,000 sqm at our disposal. Our state-of-the-art factory ensures the highest level of efficiency in all processes, and the working environment is of a very high standard. The factory can handle 126,000 tonnes of herring a year, with the possibility of increasing volumes considerably by working on shifts. Located next to our factory is FF of Denmark (fishmeal factory), and these two factories are connected through efficient logistics systems.

See Salmon
Clupea harengus
Gutted and without head
Herring flaps
Butterfly cut
Fillets and pieces, without skin
Herring roe
Loose, salted
Scomber scombrus
Mackerel fillets

Salmon & Pelagic
The demand for fish is rapidly growing all over the world as consumers have become
more health-conscious and fish has become highly appreciated for culinary purposes.

Salmon Products
Skagerak Salmon A/S produces all kinds of fresh, frozen and vacuum-packed fillets and portions and products according to customers’ requests.

Pelagic Products
Skagerak Pelagic A/S produces fresh, frozen and marinated herring products, fresh and frozen mackerel products, matjes, and salted herring roe.



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