Sekkingstad AS



Sekkingstad AS
Address: Skaganeset, 5382 Skogsvåg, Norway
Phone: +47 56 31 93 00
Fax: +47 56 33 75 06

Sekkingstad AS – The history
Sekkingstad AS is a family company with a long history and strong roots within the production, sales and marketing of seafood.

Innovation, commitment and competence are key words in Sekkingstad’s history, and have made the company a leading supplier of high quality Norwegian salmon and trout. Efficient logistics, quality certification, flexible processing lines and hands-on sales staff ensure that our customers get the products they expect.

Our strong position as a quality producer in the market is a result of innovation and hard work down through the generations. For the full picture, read the history in our book Trading in fish. A hard-working lifestyle.

Our own factory located together with our sales office means hands-on and efficient communication, better quality control and more flexibility. Sekkingstad is known to be the salmon supplier specialising in niche production and customized deliveries. This has given us an unique position in the market.

Our values
Only the best is good enough for our customers. At Sekkingstad our objectives are high when it comes to the quality of the products and service we provide. We know we are no better than our last delivery. As a global seafood supplier our responsibility is also to secure safety and sustainability in all parts of the value chain. To promote this we have established a set of simple, but important values as the basis for all of our own and our suppliers’ activities.

Quality and certification
Sekkingstad is very aware of our responsibility as a supplier of safe seafood. Our certifications meet all major international seafood certification and standards.

Our values are based on food safety, animal welfare, minimal pollution and sustainable development. Our systems are developed in close cooperation with our customers, suppliers and relevant regulatory authorities. This ensures that we continuously improve our products, operations and develop our position as a producer of safe and sustainable seafood.

BRC: Food safety
Fjordkraft certificate: 100% renewable Energy
Global GAP: Animal Walfare / Food Safety
HACCP: Food safety
ISO 9001: Quality Management
ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
Kosher certificate

Our products
Sekkingstad is a specialist. We focus on Norwegian salmon and trout with production to customer requirements our speciality; fresh, frozen, head-off, fillets, airfreight etc. Being close to the raw materials and hands on in the processing is a great advantage. In combination with flexibility this should give you the trust you need for getting what you expect when you buy your fish from Sekkingstad



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