Kinkawooka Shellfish
|Port Lincoln Office
Address: 6 Proper Bay Road, Port Lincoln, SA 5606, Australia
Telephone: 08 8682 3091 (+61 8 8682 3091)
Facsimile: 08 8682 5075 (+61 8 8682 5075)
Sales & Marketing Enquiries
Umar Nguyen
Tel: +61 488 122 177
John Susman
Tel: +61 414 688 855
About Us
Established in 1976, Kinkawooka is an owner-operated company located in Port Lincoln, South Australia. Kinkawooka prides itself in maintaining standards of excellence in every facet of its organisation and is renowned in Australia as a leader in the aquaculture industry.
Kinkawooka Shellfish is an integrated seafood growing, catching and processing company owned and operated by the Puglisi family, 5th generation fisherman with a rich heritage of producing high quality seafood. The cold clean waters of the Great Southern Ocean are home to some of the finest shellfish in the world, Kinkawooka shellfish grow and harvest premium shellfish to the highest standards of environmental sustainability and culinary quality.
Boston Bay
Half way between Sydney and Perth is the Eyre Peninsula – at the bottom of this barren expanse of wheat farming and wilderness lies Boston Bay. 3.5 times the size of Sydney Harbour, Boston Bay is where the desert meets the sea, an area of spectacular rugged seas and coastal savannah.
At the heart of Boston Bay lies Port Lincoln, home to Australia’s largest commercial tuna fishing fleet and hub of both the wild harvest and aquaculture fisheries in South Australia. The attraction for fishermen and aquaculture companies to this remote part of the world are the cold, nutrient rich waters of the Great Southern Ocean. Fed by the upwellings from Antarctica and carried up to the Australian mainland by the legendary “roaring Forties” of the Southern Seas, the waters of Boston Bay have long held a world wide reputation for the quality of the Tuna, Prawns, Abalone, Crayfish and Whiting.
Of recent times, a number of aquaculture seafood’s have been added to this list – Oysters, Abalone and now Black Mussels.